
La posible vuelta de Trump a la Casa Blanca sacude los mercados chinos | Economía y Negocios | EL PAÍS English

La economía de China tuvo un inicio complicado este año. Con Donald Trump ya utilizando la guadaña de aranceles, el yuan chino ha caído a su nivel más bajo frente al dólar estadounidense en 16 meses. A esto se suman nuevos descalabros en el mercado bursátil del gigante asiático, tras un final de 2024 lleno de altibajos: un ascenso meteórico seguido de una vorágine de compras y ventas provocada por los anuncios oficiales de estímulo de Pekín y los rumores sobre posibles medidas para revitalizar la economía.

In the first days of 2025, China’s benchmark CSI 300 index fell by over 4%, although it has since managed to marginally stabilize. The news is not terrible, but it reflects a lack of confidence among investors at a time when the People’s Republic is expected to publish its annual GDP growth data, which will flag up a year plagued by obstacles. January’s tough economic figures are a reflection of the uncertainty dogging the world’s second-largest economy with Trump about to move into the White House. Many analysts believe that Beijing has not yet deployed its full arsenal of revitalization tools, and is waiting for the billionaire’s first moves.

Trump has continuously threatened to hit China with a new round of tariffs on imports of its manufactured goods; once elected, he promised he would impose an additional 10% tax on products from the planet’s most prodigious factory on his first day in office on January 20. His expansionist ambitions regarding Greenland, Canada and Panama have also been made with reference to America’s economic struggle with China. Predictions of a trade war 2.0, similar to the one Trump started against China in 2018, are rife.