"2025: Un nuevo orden mundial marcado por guerras, desastres climáticos y la era de los techno-millonarios" | Internacional | EL PAÍS Inglés
El año 2025 se perfila como un potente catalizador hacia un nuevo orden mundial. El multilateralismo se encuentra en descomposición, antiguas alianzas se están debilitando, mientras que nuevas se están consolidando. El proteccionismo se extiende con fuerza y la democracia enfrenta amenazas sin precedentes.
China has long been seeking a reformulation a reformulation of the pacts between nations that better aligns with its interests. Russia shattered the post-Cold War balances in 2022, when Vladimir Putin catapulted the globe into a new geopolitical era with the large-scale invasion of Ukraine — a violent challenge to the previous world order. And, starting on January 20 — the day of Donald Trump’s inauguration as president of the United States — the global population will have to accept that the great power that built the current world order now wants a different one.
The confluence of these factors means that 2025 has the potential for extraordinary change. As a recent report by the International Crisis Group notes, “the world seems primed for a paradigm shift. The question is whether it will happen at the negotiating table or on the battlefield.”