
"De mapas cerebrales a puentes vivos: Innovaciones que transformarán nuestra vida en 2025" | Ciencia | EL PAÍS English

Quien piense que la investigación no es emocionante podría llevarse una grata sorpresa. En 2025, podríamos ser testigos de la decodificación genética del cerebro humano, de la recolección de energía solar en el espacio y de la posibilidad de cruzar un puente construido con hongos controlados electrónicamente.

Detailed maps of the human brain drawn up by the EU-funded Human Brain Project are ready for prime time and should start to come into their own in 2025.

These maps will help scientists and doctors navigate towards new treatments for patients with brain disease, according to Prof. Katrin Amunts, a German neuroscientist at the University of Dusseldorf and Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany. She led the landmark 10-year exploration of the human brain that has generated the human brain atlas — the most detailed maps of brain areas and their cellular architecture ever made — with new developments on the way to help exploit their full potential.