"Camiones de Ayuda Logran Llegar a la Capital Afectada por la Guerra en Sudán" - The New York Times
Después de 20 meses de conflicto y tres meses de negociaciones con las partes beligerantes, llega un leve alivio para algunos de los cientos de miles de personas que enfrentan la amenaza del hambre.
The largest convoy of food and medical aid to reach Sudan’s battered capital region since the start of the civil war finally arrived this week, the World Food Program said on Friday, bringing some relief to a country where hundreds of thousands of people are on the brink of starvation.
The 28 trucks were part of the first United Nations aid convoy since the war started more than 20 months ago to reach Jebel Aulia, a populous area south of the capital city of Khartoum, according to the World Food Program.