
EE. UU. Acusa a las R.S.F. de Sudán de Genocidio y Sanciona a Su Jefe

Una fuerza que combate al ejército de Sudán en una violenta guerra civil ha perpetrado masacres y violaciones que constituyen un acto de genocidio, afirmó el Secretario de Estado. Estados Unidos impuso sanciones a su líder y a la red financiera asociada.

The United States declared on Tuesday that a genocide took place in Sudan, drawing fresh attention to the scale of atrocities in Africa’s largest war and singling out one side in the conflict as the perpetrators of some of the worst violence.

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said the Rapid Support Forces, a paramilitary group fighting Sudan’s military in a bitter civil war, and allied militias had committed acts of genocide during a fearsome wave of ethnically targeted violence in the western region of Darfur.