"En Todo el Mundo, Luces y Colores Dan la Bienvenida a la Nueva Temporada" - The New York Times
En la Navidad, los cristianos sirios desfilaron por las calles de Damasco, bajo la atenta mirada de los combatientes de Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. Crédito... Daniel Berehulak/The New York Times.
Priests lead a procession on a cold Lithuanian night. A colorful celebration is brightened by candlelight in Mexico. Santa seems to appear everywhere, including on a street corner in the capital city of Cuba.
Christmas, the traditional Christian holiday that commemorates the birth of Jesus, is being celebrated by people around the world, as has been done for centuries. For days and weeks leading up to Dec. 25, the city streets, homes and churches have been adorned with lights along with red and green decorations, capturing the optimism of the season.