Thandiswa Mazwai: La Voz Rebelde de la Nueva Generación Sudafricana Post-Apartheid - The New York Times
Thandiswa Mazwai ha cantado sobre las alegrías y tristezas de Sudáfrica desde que el país se convirtió en una democracia multirracial hace 30 años. “Mi vocación es cantar la felicidad del pueblo, cantar la tristeza del pueblo.”
At a gala dinner held soon after South Africa’s most contested election since the end of apartheid, a singer reminded the gathered politicians how to do their jobs.
“I want to implore you to think of the people of this country, and to think about why you have been chosen,” the singer, Thandiswa Mazwai, told the political elite at the June gala, put on by the Independent Electoral Commission in Johannesburg to mark the release of the vote’s final results.