
"Mike Tomlin y Russell Wilson: Legados en Juego en un Momento Crítico" - The Athletic

PITTSBURGH — Russell Wilson exploraba Instagram el sábado por la tarde, mientras se alistaba para el partido final de la temporada regular de los Pittsburgh Steelers en el Acrisure Stadium, cuando se topó con una publicación del corredor del Salón de la Fama, Jerome Bettis.

The photo depicted Pittsburgh’s 2005 Super Bowl team circled up in the locker room on a knee, joining hands in prayer. The caption read, in part, “The key to our championship run was selflessness. It wasn’t about who got the glory; it was about winning together.”

When Wilson saw the post, he exchanged a few texts with Bettis. A few minutes later, the current Steelers quarterback and the beloved former running back were chatting on the phone, drawing parallels to the current team.