Sobreviviendo y Prosperando en el Lugar Más Desafiante del Hielo de la NHL - The Athletic
Debes desearlo, ¿verdad? Eso es lo que siempre dicen, “ellos” siendo los jugadores de la NHL que se atreven a adentrarse en la frontera indómita entre la zona de tiro y la portería, los entrenadores que los envían allí, y los aficionados en el tercer nivel que incesantemente claman por una contienda.
It’s about desire. It’s about a willingness to take the punishment, and an eagerness to dole it out. It’s about fearlessness and an almost wanton disregard for life and limb. That’s where the pain is, yes — the cross-checks to the back of the head, the slashes to the ankles, the elbows to the gut — but that’s also where the goals are. They’re called the scoring areas for a reason. They’re called the dirty areas for a reason, too. Pay the price, reap the reward. A red light is worth a black-and-blue every single time.
Easy to say that, of course. A tad more difficult in practice. Ever turn your back on an angry giant with a weapon in his hand? Ever step in front of a frozen projectile traveling at triple digits?