"Confusión en Telegram Complica la Narrativa de la Guerra de Rusia en Ucrania" - The New York Times
La detención del fundador de Telegram ha puesto de relieve el notable papel de la aplicación de mensajería en la guerra más mortífera de Europa desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
The detention of Pavel Durov, the founder of the Telegram messaging app, in Paris on Saturday has raised questions about the future of a platform that has come to define the public perception of Russia’s war in Ukraine.
Russia’s invasion in 2022 helped transform Telegram from a niche communication tool for Russia’s educated classes into a global phenomenon. The app has allowed millions of people to follow battlefield developments in near real time, turned soldiers into the narrators of the conflict unfolding around them and gave both propagandists and dissidents a pulpit in the struggle for the hearts and minds of those monitoring the war.