
"Transformaciones en el Mundo de los Dispositivos de Belleza en Casa: Tendencias Emergentes"

A medida que la ciencia del cuidado de la piel continúa avanzando, algunos de esos progresos han llegado directamente a manos de los consumidores. ¿Es eso algo positivo?

For years, an at-home beauty device meant a hair dryer or maybe an electric toothbrush. Today, they have never been more omnipresent or more advanced, with heavily marketed products that range from $500 LED masks that promise to reduce fine lines, pigmentation and redness to laser wands that permanently (or so they claim) remove unwanted body hair.

The appeal, in part, is the idea of being able to bring home medical-grade self-care without stepping into a dermatologist’s or plastic surgeon’s office. (At the med-spa chain Ever/Body, for example, laser hair removal costs as much as $300 per session; the company advises 6-10 treatments plus annual maintenance.)