"Controversy Erupts as Argentine Breathalyzer Incident Sparks Diplomatic Tensions with Russia"
El más reciente enfrentamiento diplomático bajo el gobierno argentino del presidente Javier Milei estalló debido a un control de alcoholemia realizado el día de Navidad en el exclusivo barrio de Recoleta, en Buenos Aires. Rusia condenó las acciones de las fuerzas de seguridad argentinas como “una grave violación del derecho internacional”, después de que dos diplomáticos rusos se negaran a someterse al test de alcoholemia y a presentar la documentación de los vehículos que conducían. El incidente comenzó por la mañana y se prolongó más allá del mediodía, cuando los conductores fueron escoltados a la embajada rusa y se les emitió una multa de tráfico. La contundente respuesta de Rusia ante el suceso sorprendió a las autoridades argentinas, lo que llevó a la intervención tanto del Ministerio de Seguridad como del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.
Tensions between the two countries escalated due to the differing interpretations of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. The Argentine government, which is responsible for traffic control, pointed to Article 41 of the convention, which states that individuals enjoying privileges and immunities must “respect the laws and regulations of the receiving state.” Meanwhile, the Russian Embassy emphasized that the same article also asserts that “diplomatic vehicles cannot be stopped or searched.”
The drivers of the vehicles were identified as Sergei Baldin, a trade representative of the Russian Embassy, and Cardmath Salomatin, co-director of the Russian House. Baldin was the first to arrive at the road safety operation and the first to refuse to take the breathalyzer test. “There was a brief conversation in which he was asked to undergo the control. He indicated that he did not want to undergo the procedure and when we explained the importance of doing the control, he simply rolled up the window and stayed inside,” a traffic officer told the press. “He has to comply, as we are instructed,” the officer added, citing the enforced compliance of local law as mandated by international norms.